Mandatory Introduction of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s iGOT Mission Karmayogi
Courses in all Training Courses conducted in Training Institutes of NFR
Ref . GM(P)/NFR's L/No. E/NFR/TRG./NPCSCB/iGOT-MK Dated 26.6.2024
Brief Instructions to all Training Instructions of N F Railway
- All Training Institutes of N F Railway must introduce –
a) iGOT Mission Karmayogi “Prarambh” Module comprising of 08 courses (list enclosed)
for newly recruited employees and
b) 06 (six) mandatory DOPT prescribed courses (list enclosed) for serving employees
- While implementing the above, the following instructions must be observed with immediate effect -
(i) Each
trainee must participate in at least 2 mandatory sessions per week through
the web-portal (
(ii) Trainees
must be awarded suitable weightage (marks) for successful participation in iGOT
at the end of their courses - which should be duly recorded in their results.
(iii) Trainees should be allotted fixed periods in their training time-table to attend iGOT sessions.
(iv) Trainees should choose topics which are relevant to their nature of duty. A list of available courses relevant to Railway employees is enclosed herewith.
(v) Trainees
must submit a proof of participation by downloading the Course Completion
Certificate generated from iGOT Mission Karmayogi portal.
(vi) Monthly
status report of iGOT courses completed by trainees must be submitted through