Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mandatory Introduction of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s iGOT Mission Karmayogi Courses in all Training Courses conducted in Training Institutes of NFR


Mandatory Introduction of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s iGOT Mission Karmayogi

Courses in all Training Courses conducted in Training Institutes of NFR

Ref . GM(P)/NFR's L/No. E/NFR/TRG./NPCSCB/iGOT-MK   Dated 26.6.2024

Brief Instructions to all Training Instructions of N F Railway 

  1. All Training Institutes of N F Railway must introduce –

a) iGOT Mission Karmayogi “Prarambh” Module comprising of 08 courses (list enclosed) for newly recruited employees and

b)  06 (six) mandatory DOPT prescribed courses (list enclosed) for serving employees


  1. While implementing the above, the following instructions must be observed with immediate effect - 

(i)    Each trainee must participate in at least 2 mandatory sessions per week through the web-portal (


(ii)   Trainees must be awarded suitable weightage (marks) for successful participation in iGOT at the end of their courses - which should be duly recorded in their results.


(iii)  Trainees should be allotted fixed periods in their training time-table to attend iGOT sessions.


(iv) Trainees should choose topics which are relevant to their nature of duty. A list of available courses relevant to Railway employees is enclosed herewith.


(v) Trainees must submit a proof of participation by downloading the Course Completion Certificate generated from iGOT Mission Karmayogi portal.


(vi) Monthly status report of iGOT courses completed by trainees must be submitted through MCDO to GM(P)/NFR/MLG at &
