iGOT Karmayogi Portal

 iGOT Karmayogi

iGOT Karmayogi Platform

At the core of Mission Karmayogi is the iGOT Karmayogi platform – a comprehensive online platform to guide individual civil service officials in their capacity building journey. It is not merely a learning platform; it is a solutioning space that combines five functional hubs for online learning, competency management, career management, discussions, and networking. This will enable officials to deliver more effectively, eventually enhancing government execution capabilities. Through these hubs, the platform will enable online, face-to-face, and blended learning; facilitating discussions through topical forums, managing career paths, and enabling reliable assessments that credibly signal competencies of officials. While iGOT Karmayogi will bring the responsibility of learning to the learner, it will also provide tools through which Departments and managers can monitor and mentor officials. It will provide anytime-anywhere-any-device learning to train about 2 crores users which was hitherto not achievable through traditional measures.

The platform is envisioned to evolve into a vibrant and world class marketplace for content modelled on FRACs, supported by a robust e-learning content industry. The content can be curated by individual government ministries or organizations in-house or through knowledge partners. Carefully crafted and vetted content from best-in-class institutions, universities, private content providers and individual resources will be made available as training modules.

The iGOT Karmayogi platform can be accessed through the following link: https://igotkarmayogi.gov.in/public/home

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